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Support FAQs

How does my donation support OETA?
Your donation means that we are able to purchase the rights to the programs you love, create award-winning local documentaries, produce valuable journalism, and provide educational opportunities for all Oklahomans.

What’s the best way to support OETA?
There’s no wrong way to support OETA. However, the best way to support OETA is with a monthly sustaining membership. This means you set it and forget it. Your card or bank account will be automatically drafted each month at the level you set.

If you aren’t able to make a monthly donation, you can make a one-time donation, donate your vehicle (car, boat, tractor, etc…), or make a planned estate gift.

How do I update my contact information or donation? What is OETA My Membership?
Your OETA My Membership account allows you to:

  • Update Contact Information
  • Update Payment Method
  • Update Donation Amount
  • Print Tax Receipt
  • Review Past Donations
  • Request Thank-You Gifts

You must be a current member to access your My Membership account. Before members are able to log in, you must create your account. This account information is not the same as your Passport account. If you’re experiencing technical difficulties, please contact our membership team.

Phone: 844-412-7955

Access your OETA My Membership account here.

What perks come with my donation?
In addition to the pride of supporting public television in Oklahoma, your membership comes with several benefits:

  • A thank-you gift of your choosing which correlates to your donation amount.
  • All donations of $40+ come with Odyssey, OETA’s monthly printed newsletter featuring updates from OETA and must-see programs.
  • All donations of $60+ come with Odyssey and access to OETA Passport.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. However, accepting one of the thank-you gifts will usually reduce the tax-deductible amount of your donation. All tax letters will include the fair market value of your thank-you gift.

How do I get started donating my vehicle?
Donating your car, truck, boat, trailer, etc... benefits OETA. The process is simple and free for you. Get started here.

How do I support OETA offline?
Contact our membership team to request a hard copy of our donation form.

Phone: 844-412-7955

I made a donation but haven’t received my thank you gift. What do I do?
Please check your OETA My Membership account to confirm that your personal information is correct. Contact our membership team with your membership information and a description of the item.

Phone: 844-412-7955

How do I know my personal information is safe?
OETA does not sell, rent or exchange its membership list for any purpose. (This includes compliance with the Communications Act by not disclosing donor information to third parties and not renting donor information to, or exchanging such information with, candidates for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose. (see 47 U.S.C. § 396(k)(12))). OETA's corporate officers are authorized and directed to take all steps which the Board deems reasonably necessary to assure that confidentiality is maintained for all member information entrusted to us. Read OETA’s full Member List Policy.

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