20 years ago, the first episode of Gallery aired on OETA. Gallery was designed to be an Oklahoma arts documentary series highlighting the arts of all disciplines in Oklahoma. Its slogan was "Exploring the Arts and Culture of Oklahoma." 20 years later, Gallery America continues to do just that.
Gallery America is the only broadcast television program in Oklahoma dedicated to shining a spotlight on the arts from this state. "We are all proud of these two decades and yes, we already have plans for more in the future," former host and current VP of Production, Susan Cadot, says. "Now, with Robert Reid stepping into the role of host and writer for Gallery America, Dave Tamez and I couldn't be happier. Within his first year of work, which was all under quarantine except for his first two days, Reid has taken Gallery America to greater heights," Susan added.
On top of churning out Gallery America programs for broadcast on OETA, Reid has created regular online art content for Gallery America Online, producing multiple segments, regular IGTV videos, video interviews, and a recap of arts in Oklahoma each month with Final Friday.
"The goal really is to celebrate creativity in Oklahoma—and by allowing a peek into Oklahoma's best artists, we hope we take down a little mystery of the art world. And, hopefully, encourage more Oklahomans to look a bit more deeply at the state and its art," Reid said.
So what has Gallery America been up to for the last 20 years? Let's reflect.
Gallery America Fun Facts & Timeline
- Dave Tamez was hired to start Gallery. Dave is our Director of Documentary and is known, not just in Oklahoma, but throughout the region in this industry as one of the best visual storytellers around.
- Gallery was designed to have no show host and very little reporter narration. It was and still is today, a photography-driven documentary with great storytelling and strong photography, music, and natural sound. With the bonus of having host Robert Reid curate and guide the ship.
- From its first episode in 2001, Gallery aired with no host and was an hour-long, until changing to a half-hour program in 2005.
- In 2016 Gallery switched to its current format with Susan Cadot as the host and the name change from Gallery to Gallery America.
- In March of 2020, Robert Reid became the host and writer for Gallery America.
- Gallery America Online premieres in April 2020, with over 30 original Gallery America videos and stories.
- Over the last 20 years, Gallery and Gallery America has featured hundreds of Oklahoma artists, poets, dancers, sculptors, and many more!
- Both Gallery and Gallery America have won major awards including Emmy Awards, the Governor's Arts Award, PBS, Associated Press, awards from the Oklahoma Association of Broadcast, Society of Professional Journalists, National Educational Telecommunications Association, and more.